Lindakalc Active

Lindakalc Active

Provides normal permeability of the vascular wall, interneuronal and neuromuscular conduction, cardiac automatism, takes part in the contraction of striated and smooth muscles, and the process of blood clotting.


Each film-coated tablet contains:

  • Calcium carbonate from organic sources (oyster shells) 1.25 g eq. elemental Calcium 500 mg;
  • Vitamin D3 BP 250 IU;
  • Magnesium (elemental) as magnesium oxide USP 40 mg;
  • Manganese (elemental) as manganese sulfate USP 1.8 mg;
  • Zinc (elemental) as zinc sulfate BP 7.5 mg;
  • Copper (elemental) as copper sulfate USP 1 mg;
  • Boron in the form of sodium borate BP 250 mcg;
  • Excipients q.s.
  • Dye: titanium dioxide BP
  • complex treatment of osteoporosis of various origins and its complications (fractures, etc.), as well as dental and periodontal diseases;
  • basic therapy with the use of antiresorbents (hormone replacement therapy, calcitonin, bisphosphonates) and stimulators of bone tissue formation;
  • to reduce the risk of fractures due to deficiency of calcium, vitamin D3, and minerals in the diet.

Adults and children over 12 years of age – 1 tablet with meals 1-2 times a day. In case of significant loss of bone mass, the dose can be increased to 2 tablets 1-2 times a day. When used for prevention and in complex therapy of osteoporosis, the duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually. When used to replenish calcium and vitamin D3 deficiency, the average duration of treatment is at least 4-6 weeks. The number of repeat courses during the year is determined individually.